Baby Einstein, toys for curious children

The Baby Einstein line was created from the belief that the future belongs to the curious. The products in the line are designed to help parents stimulate the curiosity of their babies and toddlers.


The story of Baby Einstein began in 1996. With a series of videos, they wanted to introduce children to music, stories, numbers and language.


The goal and philosophy of the Baby Einstein line is to help families become and remain curious. Why? Because curiosity motivates us to learn and adapt, while at the same time make us open to different possibilities.

Curiosity is essential to success in our changing world and is one of the important qualities to create a better tomorrow. Experts strive to create the best toys and gadgets for every family – no matter where they live or who they are.

Babies begin to shape their worldview using their senses from the very first day of their life. Sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell play a crucial role in a child’s early cognitive development.

Toddlers and children need to be encouraged to explore and be curious, as they find it easier to broaden their horizons through personal experience.

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